Friday was a very special day! A wonderful, spectacular, splendid day! A day of celebration and shouting for joy day! It was the day that we all became just the "Plumb Family."
It started out with a bit of nervousness. There were a few questions from the kids. "will I have to say anything Dad?" asked Taylor. I responded by assuring him that everything would be okay. I really didn't know what to expect myself. We headed off to Fresno and into the great big courthouse where we were met at the front door by a few armed gaurds that made us go through the metal detectors. After a brief ride in the elevator, we arrived outside our court room door. A few moments passed as we watched a few other families that must have been there for the same reason. They all looked very happy. Taylor, Seena, and Roman seemed to be in high spirits as they all smiled blissfully.
Finally we were greeted by the bailiff as she opened the doors and announced our names. We entered the court room unaware of what was to come. The Judge appeared soon after and placed a chair right down at the table where we were sitting so she could visit with all of us up close and personal. Not what we had expected! She was very nice as she talked with each of the children and asked them all individually if this is what they wanted. My heart soared as I heard each response . . ."Yes, I do." After she was finished with the children it was my turn. "Do you willingly, of your own free will, accept the responsibility and rights of being the father to these children," she asked. I responded without hesitation, "absolutely, yes." Lastly the judge turned to Catherine and asked only one question. "Do you agree that your husband should be given this responsibility?" My wife answered by simply saying, "yes, I agree completely."
What a marvelous day it was. We signed a few papers (Taylor was able to sign his own) and filed them with the court before we left. Part of the adoption included ammending the birth certificates. The kids are now, Taylor Wade-Easley Plumb, Seena Marcia Plumb, and Roman Wade Plumb. Roman did ask if we could change his first name to Shadow, but we respectfully denied his request. After we finished we took the kids to breakfast at Mimi's to celebrate. I am so proud to be Dad. It was like Christmas time in April for me. It made me appreciate all of the wonderful things that come with being a Dad - things I often forget about. In our day to day lives we tend to get busy with all the peripheral distractions and lose sight of the most important things. For a moment I was able to truly appreciate some of what is most important to me. It was a wonderful, spectacular, splendid day. A day that I will never forget.

The Newest Plumb's.