The kids helped place Flags, Ribbons, and White crosses on the graves at the Easton Cemetary. These two photo's were featured in the local paper (The Fresno Bee).
Welcome little man. Connor was born at 6:13 am on Friday may 14th. He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. His brothers and sisters adore him! (Not to mention his Mama and Daddy)
I don't have any tidbits of wisdom for you, I can't share all the crafty things I do or my neat finds, and I am not even really chronicling my thoughts or life. But I do want to share the most important things in my life, my family, with the people I care about most in the world. So sometimes it might seem like a newsletter, but this is what is important to me and this is the reason I blog.
May 6th is always special at our house. This year my baby turned 7. It made me cry. I took my two birthday boys to the movies and sitting between them while we watched dragons breath fire on the screen I found myself looking back and forth at each one and remembering that it wasn't that long ago they were helpless infants. Now they are both strapling fairly independant boys. Where does time go?
Roman got something extra special this year for his birthday. Spencer Calvin Freeman, who as it happens weighed in at 8-10 and measured 21 inches exactly what size Roman was 7 years ago. Kind of a fun cousin fact. When we went to visit the handsome new Freeman, Roman couldn't get enough of him, must be the birthday bond.
With turning 11 Taylor advanced from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.
The evening was his, receiving award after award listening to positive things about himself from his teachers, pack leaders, and parents.
We were proud of him.
But I was mostly proud of his father. You see Taylor didn't want to put forth the effort into finishing his Weblos or into earning his Arrow of Light. It was just to much work. He couldn't see that the reward would surpass the amount of effort he had to put in. Quietly and patiently Jeremy sat next to him, guided, him and assisted him when necessary. Jeremy wouldn't let him quit. This evening was 100% the result of a good father who could see further than his son. When Taylor came home he was smiles and sunshine. He was proud of what he had done. "I am the only scout in my pack with the Arrow of Light"
From our end the fight was difficult, but the results where well worth it.
Lover of best friend, soulmate, and husband, mother to eight beautiful although sometimes mischevious children, avid laundry and dish doer, and exhausted labor and delivery nurse.