Monday, June 7, 2010

First Day of Freshman Football!

Alec showed a lot of heart in his first day of Freshman Football practice.

He was picked to play Center which means he calls the huddles and leads the offense back to the play after the break, and then snaps the ball to the Quarterback.

He did a great job! After the coach had picked someone else to demonstrate the "shotgun snap," and they overshot the QB three times - Alec was called in to replace him (and he never over-shot his QB once).

Practice went well. The boys learned basic offense and defense formations and a few plays.

After all was said and done the Freshman Bears took a knee as the Coach welcomed them to the beginning of their Highschool Football careers. Way to go Alec!

The Blessing of my little man!

Woke up bright and early to get everyone ready for the big event.

First we attended a Blessing in Caruthers for Spencer. Then it was back to Selma for Connor.

It makes me think of all the blessings we receive in white. Connor is just making his first steps. There is something so special about new babies that makes us want to do better and wonder if we are doing enough. Connor looked so handsome in his little white suit.

We listened as Connors Daddy told him that he was a "Choice son of his Heavenly Father," and then we all watched as his mother shed tears of joy. Jeremy gave a beautiful blessing in which he informed Connor that he was surrounded by family and friends that loved him very much. I am so grateful for the blessings of the gospel, and of having a worthy Priesthood holder that could give his son a name and blessing.

Friday, June 4, 2010

McKinsey Graduates Kindergarten!

We are very proud of her! She was extremely excited.
Way to go McKinsey!

Connor sporting his new hat.