Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"What was that?"

"Schreech, boom, rumble rumble" "What was that?" my husband asked me. Still fairly bleary eyed I replied "What? I didn't hear anything." A few minutes later I did hear the blaring of sirens. Jeremy ran out to peek over our back fence that borders the road. There was a hole in the block fence directly across the street, and worse than that there was a car in the hole. It was quite an exciting event until I realized that the little teenager who had lost control of her car only needed to swerve right instead of left and that would have been our back yard instead of the one across the street.


  1. ouch! So do you write these on your phone?

  2. I had an experience like that yesterday. I saw a crash and the van that was smashed up was very like our own and I could easily imagine the injuries to my babies.

  3. when i first saw the "what was that?" i thought of that little bear story where baby bear couldn't sleep because of all the "clinks" and "thuds" but it turns out that those were the sounds of the tiny bugs of the house getting ready for bed
    do you remember that video?
    however, next i read the blog, and i was sad. sad for the driver, sad for the wall - you know . . . but im thankful that you are all ok and everything is good over at the plumb home
