Mark of the Lion a trilogy by Francine Rivers

far and away was the best thing I read this summer. The first book was the best and it made me question what "love" was, not romantic love, but real love, love of the Savior, charity. It also made me think alot about forgiveness.
I have read a few other books by this author and some were okay, and some were down right corny but the
Mark of the Lion touched my heart and I would reccomend it to any one.

Since I gave you the best read of the summer I guess I also have to give you the worst.
The Shack and I can't remember off the top of my head who the author was, but I know that it was a NYT bestseller. It tries to talk about God and forgiveness, but it misses the mark so completely that it made me almost uncomfortable. I think it is probably in the Spirituality for beginners section and perhaps that was what made it a best seller, but I had a hard time finishing it except that I had started it and that darn compulsion to finish what you start wont let me leave my books half read. (Close second worst
Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult, definatly not her best book)