How did we go from then till now, and not know how? I just had to write a story for one of my classes at the college about an event that taught me a lesson that impacted my life in a major way. I wrote about my experience with Allison's birth and a hard learned lesson in humility. As most of you know when she was born, she came to us with a heart condition known as PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus). It is a small opening in the heart that did not close after birth as it should. It causes breathing problems and eventually bigger ones leading to death if not treated. There are two treatment options: treating it with a medicine called Indomycin that constricts the vessels in hopes of helping the opening to close on its own. (doesnt usually work in full term babies). The other option is open heart surgery to close it by way of suture. I was very upset and I struggled with all of this news as well as with the reports of Allison losing weight and aspirating. Our baby seemed to be losing the battle. In my frustration I gave Allison a blessing and tried to force my will, but the Lord had another idea in mind. Allison continued on the same path. Then came the day to start the medicine and I will forever be grateful for what happened next. On our way out of the NICU that evening I was feeling very angry and I was at wit's end. As we were about to exit the unit we stopped at the double doors and could not help but notice a family in mourning through a small opening in the door to the consultation room. The doctor had just informed them of the death of their child. Something hit me at that moment with such force that I felt as though I could not breath. My attitude went from hateful to grateful in less than a second. Even though my sweet little angel was stuck in the children's hospital with some struggles, she was alive. And in spite of her condition she was one of the biggest and healthiest babies there at five pounds and nine ounces. I began to very grateful to my Father in Heaven for sending me Allison and started to act the way I should have from the start. That night I asked Michael to assist me in giving Allison another blessing and this time asked that the lord's will be done. The next morning as we arrived to see Allison we were greeted with the report that miraculously she had recovered after a single dose of the medication!!! It usually didnt work after three in full term babies. I was so overwhelmed that I needed to remove myself for a moment and allow my emotions to escape. It was a lesson I will never forget. Today Allison is doing great with no signs of the PDA.
Wow! What an experience! Thank you.
ReplyDeletemy goodness_ a great lesson to be learned of humility and trust and faith in the Lord . . . i am so very grateful that you had to go through such an experience so that your adorable little allison is here to grace us with her beautiful little smile. thank goodness for His patience with us all